EU Shortwave DX-Cluster Monitor

Live Amateur Radio DX Info

All Shortwave-Bands - 160m/  - 80m/  - 40m/  - 30m/  - 20m/  - 17m/  - 15m/  - 12m/  - 10m/  - 6m/  - Custom - Info

Solar indices reported by NOAA/SWPC at 0605Z: SFI=174, A=8, K=3

Observed conditions:

Space weather for the past 24 hours has been minor.

Radio blackouts reaching the R1 level occurred.

Expected conditions:

Space weather for the next 24 hours is predicted to be minor.

Radio blackouts reaching the R1 level are likely.

Aurora (WCY): no

Solar indices

Sunspot-number from WDC-SILSO, Royal Observatory of Belgium, Brussels


Spot origin - current hour


Band spots from EU - current hour


Spot statistics - last 24 hours

Spot origin last 24 hoursEU band statistics last 24 hours

Comments from Cluster:

05.20 F8ATS: eu pile up is all time crazy zoo ...stop call and lsn lsn lsn  

Uptime: 9 22:31, Node 2, connection time: 0 03:09

About this resource:

This website shows DX information, which is provided by European amateur radio stations on the DX spotting network. Spots coming from other continents are filtered out.

Solar indices and space weather information are coming from the Space Weather Prediction Center / NOAA. The Estimated International Sunspot-Number is coming from SILSO, Royal Observatory of Belgium, Brussels.

The hamcluster software (© Georg Einfalt, DL5NO) is written in Perl and running on a linux server. This service is hobby-based and offered for free. However, this service may be altered or switched off at any time without any prior announcement.

Page generated at 06:32:00Z. Ham radio dx-cluster monitor software V0.99w - Copyright © 2024 Georg Einfalt (DL5NO)